International Journals

  1. Akamatsu, T., Oyama, Y. (2024)
    A fluid-particle decomposition approach to matching market design for crowdsourced delivery systems.
    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 166: 104738 (Open access).
  2. Oyama, Y., Murakami, D., Krueger, R. (2024)
    A hierarchical Bayesian logit model for spatial multivariate choice data.
    Journal of Choice Modelling 52: 100503 (Open access).
  3. Oyama, Y., Murakami, S., Chikaraishi, M., Parady, G. (2024)
    Designing pedestrian zones within city center networks considering policy objective trade-offs.
    Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 185: 104119 (Open access).
  4. Oyama, Y. (2024)
    Spatial city image and its formative factors: A street-based neighborhood cognition analysis.
    Cities 149: 104898 (Open access).
  5. Oyama, Y. (2024)
    Global path preference and local response: A reward decomposition approach for network path choice analysis in the presence of visually perceived attributes.
    Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 181: 103998 (Open access).
  6. Oyama, Y., Fukuda, D., Imura N., Nishinari, K. (2024)
    Do people really want fast and precisely scheduled delivery? E-commerce customers’ valuations of home delivery timing.
    Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78: 103711 (Open access).
  7. Parady, G., Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M. (2023)
    Text-aided Group Decision-making Process Observation Method (x-GDP): A novel methodology for observing the joint decision-making process of travel choices.
    Transportation (Open access).
  8. Oyama, Y. (2023)
    Capturing positive network attributes during the estimation of recursive logit models: A prism-based approach.
    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 147: 104014 (Open access).
  9. Parady, G., Suzuki, K., Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M. (2023)
    Activity detection with Google Maps Location History data: factors affecting joint activity detection probability and its potential application on real social networks.
    Travel Behaviour and Society 30: 344-357.
  10. Oyama, Y., Hara, Y., Akamatsu, T. (2022)
    Markovian traffic equilibrium assignment based on network generalized extreme value model.
    Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 155: 135-159 (Open access).
  11. Oyama, Y.,  Hato, E. (2019)
    Prism-based path set restriction for solving Markovian traffic assignment problem.
    Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 122: 528-546.
  12. Oyama, Y.,  Hato, E. (2018)
    Link-based measurement model to estimate route choice parameters in urban pedestrian networks.
    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 93: 62-78 (Open access).
  13. Oyama, Y.,  Hato, E. (2017)
    A discounted recursive logit model for dynamic gridlock network analysis.
    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 85: 509-527 (Open access).
  14. Japanese Journals


*: Presenter

  1. Okazaki, R., Oyama, Y. (accepted) User-based time slot pricing for day-to-day home delivery with routing cost approximations. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2025.
  2. Imamura, K., Oyama, Y. (accepted) Optimal loading space locations for walkable cities. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2025.
  3. Gramsch-Calvo, B., Okamura, K., Takami, K., Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M., Axhausen, K.W., Parady, G. (accepted) Going the extra mile: Estimating the willingness to travel to meet with friends using a joint destination choice model. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2025.
  4. Oyama, Y.* (2024) Pedestrians' local responses to visual streetscape quality: A comparative analysis of walking behavior across different urban contexts. Urban Transitions 2024, Sitges, Spain.
  5. Parady, G.*, Chikaraishi, M., Oyama, Y. (2024) Optimization-enriched Interactive Street Network Design (i-SND): A novel methodology for human-centric urban transportation planning. Urban Transitions 2024, Sitges, Spain. [Poster]
  6. Fujiwara, K.*, Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M., Fujiwara, A. (2024) Pedestrian dynamics and their policy implications for urban public space design. Urban Transitions 2024, Sitges, Spain.
  7. Kizaki, R.*, Yaginuma, H., Oyama, Y., Terabe, S., Suzuki, Y. (2024) Evaluation of street space development based on a pedestrian route choice model considering street landscape. The 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour research (IATBR), Wien, Austria.
  8. Safitri, N.D.*, Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M. (2024) How random is route choice behavior during disaster? Inverse estimation of perceived travel time using a recursive logit model with structured variance. The 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour research (IATBR), Wien, Austria.
  9. Fujiwara, K.*, Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M., Fujiwara, A. (2024) Pedestrian behavior modeling representing competitive nature between movers and stayers in urban public space: A numerical simulation. The 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour research (IATBR), Wien, Austria.
  10. Parady, G.*, Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M. (2024) Text-aided modelling of group decision-making processes: An application to eating-out destination choice. The 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour research (IATBR), Wien, Austria.
  11. Oyama, Y.* (2024) A link-based route choice model with decomposed reward functions: An application to walkability analysis. The 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour research (IATBR), Wien, Austria.
  12. Oyama, Y.*, Murakami, S., Chikaraishi, M., Parady, G. (2024) Designing Pedestrian Zones within City Center Networks Considering Policy Objective Trade-offs. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2024.
  13. Parady, G.*, Chikaraishi, M., Oyama, Y. (2024) A Walker’s Paradise ain’t a Driver’s Hell: Evaluating the Causal Effect of Temporary Road Pedestrianization on Traffic Conditions of Surrounding Roads. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2024.
  14. Okazaki, R.*, Oyama, Y., Imura, N., Nishinari, K. (2023) Day-to-day delivery demand management: Evaluation based on routing efficiency and customer satisfaction. The 11th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Zurich, Switzerland.
  15. Parady, G., Oyama, Y.*, Chikaraishi, M. (2023) Text-aided Group Decision-making Process Observation Method (x-GDP): A novel methodology for observing the joint decision-making process of travel choices. The 11th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Zurich, Switzerland.
  16. Fujiwara, K.*, Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M., Fujiwara, A. (2023) A pedestrian model capturing trade-offs between travel and place functions of urban street space: An illustrative numerical example. The 15th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS 2023), Shah Alam, Malaysia. [Paper]
  17. Okazaki, R.*, Oyama, Y., Imura, N., Nishinari, K. (2023) Evaluation of choice-based demand management strategies for day-to-day delivery planning. The 5th Bridging Transport Researchers (BTR5) conference, online.
  18. Murakami, S.*, Oyama, Y. (2023) Multimodal network design for the optimal placement of pedestrian streets in an urban congested network. The 18th International Conference on Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), Montreal, Canada.
  19. Oyama, Y.* (2022) A prism-constrained recursive logit model to analyze positive utilities in pedestrian route choice behavior. The 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour research (IATBR), Santiago, Chile.
  20. Parady, G.*, Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M. (2022) Understanding the joint decision-making process of leisure destination choices: Exploring new methodologies. The 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour research (IATBR), Santiago, Chile. [Slides]
  21. Suzuki, K., Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi,M., Parady, G.* (2021) The effectiveness of using Google Maps Location History data to detect joint activities in social networks. The 3rd Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR) Conference, Online. [Slides]
  22. Oyama, Y.*, Scarinci, R., Bierlaire, M. (2018) Optimal capacity location problem of parking and accelerated moving walkways to design a car-free city center. The 7th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Athens, Greece.
  23. Oyama, Y.*, Hato, E., Scarinci, R., Bierlaire, M. (2017)  Markov assignment for a pedestrian activity-based network design problem. The 6th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Haifa, Israel. [Slides]
  24. Oyama, Y.*, Hato, E. (2016)  Pedestrian activity model based on implicit path enumeration. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of Hong Kong for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), pp.331-338.
  25. Oyama, Y.*, Hato, E. (2016)  A link-based map matching algorithm with structural estimation method. The 5th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Delft, Netherland.
  26. Oyama, Y.*, Hato, E. (2016) Incorporating destination choices into microscopic land-use dynamics modeling using longitudinal data. The 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), Oranjestad, Aruba.
  27. Oyama, Y.*, Chikamatsu, K., Shoji, Y., Hato, E., Koga, M. (2016) Trajectory-oriented traffic management using sequential discount rate: a case study of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The 11th ITS European Congress (ERTICO), Glasgow, Scotland.
  28. Oyama, Y.*, Hato, E. (2015)  Incorporating context-dependent energy into the pedestrian dynamic scheduling model with GPS data. The 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour research (IATBR), Windsor, England. [Slides]
  29. Kokubun, A.*, Hato, E., Oyama, Y. (2013)  Modeling Transformation in Neighborhood with Urban Redevelopment in Built-up Area of Tokyo Incorporating Effect of Interaction. Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), Utrecht, Netherland.
  30. Oyama, Y.*, Hato, E. (2013) Mobility Design: Incorporating "Private" Public Space onto the Street for the City Conversion. Proceedings of 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), pp.3235-3244.


  1. Bierlaire, M., Scarinci, R., Nikolic, M., Oyama, Y., Molyneaux, N., Wang, Z. (2020) Methodologies for Understanding and Improving Pedestrian Mobility. In: Jensen, O. B., Lassen, C., Kaufmann, V., Freudendal-Pedersen, M., Lange, I. (Eds.) Handbook of Urban Mobilities: Chapter 10.